
Guide to Patagonia's Monsters & Mysterious beings

I have written a book on this intriguing subject which has just been published.
In this blog I will post excerpts and other interesting texts on this fascinating subject.

Austin Whittall

Monday, September 19, 2011

Neanderthal - index

Neatness makes it easier to find things, so I am making this index to list all Neanderthal / Neandertal posts, for future reference, I will link to this post from the links on the sidebar.

Neanderthal - Human gene admixture,some information on the genes that we share with Neanderthals, and why we do not carry their Y chromosomes or their mtDNA in us despite carrying part of their DNA sequences...

Minnesota skulls In 1968 two Neanderthal-like skulls with low foreheads and large brows were found in Minnesota. As for dating, University of Minnesota scientists said they were reluctant to destroy any of the material, although carbon-14 ...

Part 1 Neanderthal in America. Some genetic proof to back the presence of Neanderthals in America: X chromosome B006 and RRM2P4 mutations....

Part 2. Neanderthal in America. A link between the Indian Subcontinent and America regarding B006 and RRM2P4.

Neanderthal in the Indian Subcontinent, a look at "Neander's" territorial range and recent findings that place them in Pakistan, Altai, Arctic Russia and Central Asia.

Migration to America Part 1, a new revised map of Neanderthal's range and possible route to America. More to come in next post...

More to come!

Patagonian Monsters - Cryptozoology, Myths & legends in Patagonia
2011 International Year of Forests
2011 International Year of Forests Copyright 2009-2011 by Austin Whittall © 


  1. Alvah Hicks Post.
    The Out of the Americas (OoAm) proposal reverses the commonly held assumption of a “Peopling of the Americas” and converts it into the testable hypothesis of a New World speciation event (or genuine autochthonous origins) that led to the formation of Homo sapiens in the Americas with subsequent colonization of the Old World by the new hominid species? This single-origin alternative suggests that the “sudden replacement” of Old World Homo erectus populations is compatible with a New World source for Homo sapiens, with all human ancestors being the product of an evolutionary process exclusive to the Western Hemisphere. Reasonable scientific objectives should, in the very least, compel researchers to follow German Dziebel's example (often expressed on Dienekes and Razib's Discover blogs) to seriously evaluate this alternative. An alternative set of “points of order” starts with identifying historical and scientific discretion encompassing the evolution of Old World human origin theories, themselves, directed by their own “points of order” which have inadvertently nullified the evaluation of this premise (side effects of the Clovis First model that requires scientists to integrate the significance of a pre-projectile point horizon with a later arrival of “Paleoindian Industries”). The evolution itself to Upper Paleolithic-like projectile industries accompanies the 43,000 ybp expansions Old World H sapiens, into Europe from Siberia (Kara-Bom, etc.).
    Out of the Americas (OoAm) presents fresh insights into the seemingly unending controversy overshadowing the prospects of finding a resolution to our human past’s evolutionary wellspring. OoAm suggests that isolation from the Old World is compatible with separate homelands for Homo sapiens and Homo erectus. It is the only option proponents of “Sudden Replacement” have never addressed while it would offer a compatible alternative, nigh neutralizing, “Multi-regional evolution” by isolating our species “in only one area of the World”. The OoAm hypothesis has not been adequately addressed but it does satisfy the requirements for a single-origin alternative as advanced by Wolpoff:

  2. Thanks for writing - Indeed the OoAm theory is very interesting. I find it quite compelling.
    And perhaps some extant H. erectus (or a group surviving until recent times) originated the "big-foot" and other hominins that peopled the native American myths.

  3. Alvah Hicks Posts: Thank you for accepting my post. I understand that one paper on Denisovans recently alluded to the fact that Native Americans must have squeaked by these Old World Hominids as Amerindians do not share the 1-4%. If this is the case then another way to interpret the data is to suggest that the ancestral Amerindians, who did not exit the Americas, would not have been in contact with Old World hominids as they remained isolated from the OoAm group(s) that left the Americas 45ky. What is interesting is that 99-96% of our genome is unique to our species. How can so much be missing if we descended from Old World hominids? It is a philosophical starting point or view that leaves the Western Hemisphere out of the evolutionary picture. As a result we simply ignore the significance of the hominid footprints dated at 1.3M from Mexico. Archaeologically, the rejection of a Pleistocene presence for human beings in the Americas has played a significant role in deterring such “conjecture.” I would like to post something regarding the pre-Clovis conundrum on your site. By the way, my wife and I attended a conference of the Americas in Argentina in 1995. Beautiful People, Beautiful Country! Ameghino Rocks

  4. Hi,
    Thanks for your comments. And also those about Argentina!


Hits since Sept. 2009:
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